CGManalyzer - Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data Analyzer
Contains all of the functions necessary for the complete
analysis of a continuous glucose monitoring study and can be
applied to data measured by various existing 'CGM' devices such
as 'FreeStyle Libre', 'Glutalor', 'Dexcom' and 'Medtronic CGM'.
It reads a series of data files, is able to convert various
formats of time stamps, can deal with missing values,
calculates both regular statistics and nonlinear statistics,
and conducts group comparison. It also displays results in a
concise format. Also contains two unique features new to 'CGM'
analysis: one is the implementation of strictly standard mean
difference and the class of effect size; the other is the
development of a new type of plot called antenna plot. It
corresponds to 'Zhang
XD'(2018)<doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btx826>'s article
'CGManalyzer: an R package for analyzing continuous glucose
monitoring studies'.